Wednesday, May 9, 2012

OpenBooks sample works with new WebSphere Liberty Profile!

There is an exciting new feature in WebSphere Application Server v8.5 called the Liberty Profile.  The Liberty Profile provides a new, sleek, highly-efficient application server environment both for development and production use.  You can find out more details about Liberty on WASdev Home.

For those of you that joined me at Impact 2012 last week, I mentioned in my JPA presentation that I had attempted to deploy OpenBooks to a Liberty Profile server on the plane to Vegas.  With just a couple of modifications to my configuration, I was able to get OpenBooks up and running in no time.  But, I needed to update the OpenBooks instructions before going "public" with the information.

I have now completed the updates to the OpenBooks sample and associated instructions.  In addition to making the necessary configuration updates to run the OpenBooks application on Liberty, I also updated a few other build, install, and execution issues.  You can now build and execute the OpenBooks sample in JSE mode and two JEE environments -- WebSphere Application Server, and the new Liberty Profile.  Enjoy!